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A Good One Gone to soon. RIP Jesse

Angelo's Steak and Pancake House in Newport News lost one of their team members in November of 2019. Their biggest dessert seller, the...

How to brand your "About Us," on a social-media site

Did you know that 25% of the internet's referral pages come from pages and profiles, this year? Everybody's doing it - even the local Mom...

Do you REALLY need to post, daily?

Do you wish you had more time to create engaging content for your social media channels? That is why it is awesome to have multiple...

Help Wanted: A/C Doctor in Daytona Beach

A/C Doctor Complete Inc. is dedicated to providing the best possible air quality for your home or business, in Daytona Beach, Florida....

Bounce Houses in Daytona Beach, Florida

There are many places to go bouncing, today, with your little one. And there are even a bunch of places to GO for a birthday party - but...

Generations and Hoops: debut video

The following video, produced by Dan Zere, of Williamsburg, Virginia, is about the evolution of basketball, the community the YMCA...

Alcohol Licenses for B&B's and Breweries

When you own a B&B, a day-spa or even a full-service restaurant, using the right essential oil or making a great burger isn’t in...

BEST OF award for Spice Palace Indian Restaurant

Spice Palace Indian Restaurant has been selected for the 2019 Best of Williamsburg Award in the Indian Restaurant category by the...

Ale's House Cleaning Service - Williamsburg

Ale's House Cleaning Service of Williamsburg. A new company in Williamsburg opened their doors, officially, this spring! And, I was...

Interview with Author Tracy Wainwright

Interview with an Author: Tracy Wainwright Have you always written? No, I was actually the kid in school who didn’t like essay tests or...

Lang's Mission Trip to Africa

Very Proud of my main squeeze. This is his Open Letter (both on Facebook and GoFundMe) about his upcoming missions trip to Kisumu, Kenya...

You KNOW what to do - We can do it FOR you

Do you wish you had more time to create engaging content? Well, from experience, it can be super time consuming to create and write for...

What answers are put in About Us?

What do you do? Explain very clearly what you do. It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget! You don’t need to list everything you offer...

Introducing new employee Frank Dorton

ABC Consulting has been in business for over 10 years. They bridge the gap between brides, event planners and small businesses that need...

Steps to opening a small business in Williamsburg

What’s so hard about opening your business and getting off the pay-check merry-go-round? EVERYTHING. Sure, it is exciting, but scary...

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27, 2019 is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This part of history has been forefront of my mind, now that I work for...

Get Engaged!

As you know, I will tout using two Social Media Channels - only. Unless you have a marketing department or a chain. I choose Pinterest...

Welcome Spice Palace Indian Restaurant

Terribly excited to introduce you to a new client of SMSimplifier! Social Media Simplifier specializes in kid-friendly venues and...

Do you need help with Facebook?

There are two types of people in this world: those who love schedules and those who hate them. I am one of those that HATE schedules. My...

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