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Wendy Craighill

How to brand your "About Us," on a social-media site

Did you know that 25% of the internet's referral pages come from pages and profiles, this year? Everybody's doing it - even the local Mom & Pop's. And how will you EVER catch up with your completion if you haven't gotten an iPhone and an Instagram or a business page? You aren't behind. You are right where you are and you decide to move forward from here. And you're searching and educating yourself to be better - AWESOME first step!

The "about us" on your page introduces you to your perfect customer, your fans, your prospects, etc. And it has to be PERFECT. Just kidding. Don't get hung up, in perfection, or what you AREN'T doing. Do what you can and start right now. All kidding aside: your About Us is terribly important and here are a couple of ways to make it shine:

  • First and foremost: Make sure to state your purpose or mission, what business problem you solve, how you stand out and where you serve.

  • Keep a human tone. Be yourself. Talk in the first person. Talk about your business like a person would – because at the end of the day, it is a person purchasing and searching for your product.

  • Feel free to represent your services with emoji’s. The public uses them and it visually represents your products. Go ahead and add those if that is who YOU are! 🍔🍷

  • If your brand is part of a niche industry, use the relevant hashtags in your bio. or if you have a product or service or name that SHINES, make it a hashtag and brand you with it #TheirDeepCleanIsOurClean #GoAngelos #WhereTheLocalsGo #CrabcakeFriday

  • If your business gains an award or obtains an accredidation, or even a number of fans or a website ranking, a mention in an article or an anniversary – add it to your bio – it is part of your brand, now.

  • Add working days, business hours or key words about location, in your About Us.

  • If your business gains an award or obtains an accreditation, or even a number of fans or a website ranking, a mention in an article or an anniversary – add it to your bio – it is part of your brand, now.

Does your small business need help? Are you in panic mode over SEO and branding and posting? Social Media Simplifier (Wendy Craighill, from Williamsburg, Virginia) specializes in small businesses with frazzled owners that wear all the hats. If you need someone to write content for you, to create branding, to post daily for you - call us: 757-328-8884

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