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Social Media Simplifier offers a subscription service to our blog and we also have  Contact Us page for you to contact us. You'll receive notification about a new blog, automatically. And you'll hear directly from Wendy Craighill as answer to your inquiry. Our blogs are either about marketing, small business concerns, or Social Media best practices. We also will present to our subscribers new offerings from our client list and introduce you to their business. The marketer and owner of SMSimplifier is Wendy Craighill - and she is the sole owner of any data collected on this site. Social Media Simplifier only has access to information that you voluntarily give us via our Contact Us form. We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to answer your concern. In addition, if you pay your monthly retainer through the site, (via PayPal), that information is protected both online and offline, through encryption securely. If you have any more questions about our Privacy Policy, please call Wendy at 757-328-8884 or email

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