What do you do? Explain very clearly what you do. It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget! You don’t need to list everything you offer right up front. A simple sentence will do.
Who is it for? Think about who needs your product, service or skills the most. Is it for everyone or just a specific group of people? Let them know they’re a good fit. “Whether you’re ________ or __________ we’ve got something for you.”
Why do they need it? Think about a problem you’re solving—it can be big or small. List both the practical and emotional benefits you offer, for example, “Learn climbing skills” and “Make lifelong friendships”.
What’s your story? Everyone loves a good story. Tell visitors a little about yourself, how you got started and what you’re passionate about. This will give visitors a reason to believe in you. It should sound like you, so write as you speak. You can always tighten up the text later.
Why should they trust you? What is special about your mission or your experience?
What’s next? Make it exciting to act! Now that you’ve told your customers everything they need to know, what do you want them to do next? Include a way to make a purchase, book an appointment, subscribe to your mailing list or view your portfolio.