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What answers are put in About Us?

Wendy Craighill

SMSimplifier Wendy Craighill Facebook marking in Williamsburg

  • What do you do? Explain very clearly what you do. It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget! You don’t need to list everything you offer right up front. A simple sentence will do.

  • Who is it for? Think about who needs your product, service or skills the most. Is it for everyone or just a specific group of people? Let them know they’re a good fit. “Whether you’re ________ or __________ we’ve got something for you.”

  • Why do they need it? Think about a problem you’re solving—it can be big or small. List both the practical and emotional benefits you offer, for example, “Learn climbing skills” and “Make lifelong friendships”.

  • What’s your story? Everyone loves a good story. Tell visitors a little about yourself, how you got started and what you’re passionate about. This will give visitors a reason to believe in you. It should sound like you, so write as you speak. You can always tighten up the text later.

  • Why should they trust you? What is special about your mission or your experience?

  • What’s next? Make it exciting to act! Now that you’ve told your customers everything they need to know, what do you want them to do next? Include a way to make a purchase, book an appointment, subscribe to your mailing list or view your portfolio.

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