January 27, 2019 is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This part of history has been forefront of my mind, now that I work for Holocaust Teacher Resource Center, so today I mourn and I cheer for survivors and I wonder what does one "do" on such a holiday? Here are some ideas of how to observe International Holocaust Remembrance Day:
1. Visit a Holocaust Museum Holocaust Museums are located throughout the world with several in the U.S. The United States Holocaust Museum is located in the National Mall in Washington D.C.
2. Donate to Holocaust Education Museums of any kind are valuable parts of any society. And supporting Holocaust education, with donations, helps ensure their important information stays available to all. Donate here.
3. Help a Holocaust Survivor Of the Holocaust survivor households, three-quarters are over the age of 75 and nearly 70% live alone. Many of these survivors struggle to afford basic needs, such as adequate food and healthcare; more than half of them fall 200% below the federal poverty line, meaning their income is less than $23,540 annually. Give someone a hand and buy them some groceries or fix their fence. Show them the kindness they never dreamed of, when barely surviving then.
Why International Holocaust Remembrance Day is Important
A. This news is always relevant We cannot let such trivialities that social media bombards us with to blind us to what evil people do in the world. We must be vigilant. If the horrors of the Holocaust are allowed to fade into the mists of time, they will certainly return to us in the night, threatening us all.
B. We ensure the Holocaust never happens again Edmund Burke famously said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." The Holocaust wasn't imagined in a single perverse evening of barbarity. History shows the Nazis arrived at the decision to commit genocide slowly, over years. At some point, concerted effort by good people may have stopped them. Stand up for those that cannot. Put an arm around someone being bullied and walk away with them. Give someone hope who has none, by sharing with them the Good News. We have a hope and a future. Be His voice in these sad and scary times.