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Generations and Hoops: debut video

Wendy Craighill

The following video, produced by Dan Zere, of Williamsburg, Virginia, is about the evolution of basketball, the community the YMCA provides basketball players and how social media is changing .... well, everything. With individualism in everything (even family and a basketball team), the game and how it is played is changed, forever. With history woven into the documentary about the start of the organization of the YMCA and basketball, itself, it gave me some talking points and teaching moments for my homeschool boys that start basketball for the first time, this year. I look forward to seeing how it stretches my boys but pray that makes them a team and sheds light on selfishness and the danger of looking out for number one, alone, as sports tend to do, as we watch TV sports.

Generations and Hoops.

Dan Zere's first documentary film starts out talking about basketball, then, inevitably, delves into the deep issues of life. It approached basketball (and even family and community) from scientific, social and even poetic angles. Dan Zere lives with his family in Williamsburg, Virginia.

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