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Sometimes, I just get excited!

When you start a business, you choose a target audience - sometimes other businesses find you but you target - it is just smart. As you...

How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Click THIS, to see step-by-step, how to create your Business Page -OR follow the step, below- Type

Is SEO dead?

SEO isn't dead, but it has changed. But, because of Google's Panda and Penguin updates, old rules of SEO no longer apply. Today, to get...

Embrace Videos as marketing tools!

Whether you are a real estate firm or a restaurant or a fitness club, use video to tell your story, in Social Media and on your website....

Do you have to use videos in Social Media posts?

Well...yes. Because one minute of video is worth new clients and new exposure that a photo just won't give you. More videos are shared...

Find your prospects with a Facebook Business Page

Make a statement with a customized Facebook business page. Your brand and your business mission cannot be found without a website and a...

How do churches and non-profits "Social Media?"

If you have a website - awesome! Good start having a Mother Ship! That website needs to stay updated with summer hours and upcoming...

Book a birthday party at AMF Williamsburg Lanes

What do you get when you book a Kids Birthday Party(ages 3 thru 16) at AMF Williamsburg Lanes? Pinny’s Paradise includes: 2 hour party...

How quickly does "it" happen?

When you are in the social-media marketing game - "When does it happen?" is a loaded question. What is "it?" Growth New Follows New Likes...

Fundraiser at Angelo's - Dining for Dona

One of my clients - Angelo's Steak and Pancake House in Newport News, Virginia - has been in business for forty years. They are a...

What do you get by joining a Travel Club?

Travel Resort Network - Travel Club Benefits Gold Package: 2 Bonus Weeks Resort Stay Worldwide Start from $99 up to $499 Weekly Stay Book...

Spring Cleaning Time--for those Baby Teeth!

With two small children with tiny teeth and lots of accidents, I have always brought my children to Hampton Roads Pediatric Dentistry....

Williamsburg SCORE - counsels small business for FREE

Williamsburg SCORE Business Mentoring is for start ups, businesses that are thinking of adding products, opening a second door, adding a...

How does Social Media Simplifier HELP?

Are YOUR prospects on Social Media? 1.55 billion people log on to Facebook, at least once each month (a billion are active, daily)...

Dr. Karyn Purvis - her light lives on

Farewell, Dr. Karyn Purvis A friend sent me an email, yesterday, and it made my eyes well up and my shoulders droop: Dr. Karyn Purvis...

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