Whether you are a real estate firm or a restaurant or a fitness club, use video to tell your story, in Social Media and on your website. Don't worry about a perfect video, but keep it short and DO embed your logo and contact information. Do this with a hope and a prayer that the video that you share on Social Media channels goes viral. Here are some Do's:
Be entertaining - you don't have to post cat videos or something totally off-topic just to get your fan's attention. Entertain with informal, behind-the-scenes interviews at your company or create something fun like a music video that uniquely conveys your message.
Add a Featured Video that is more prominent in feeds and on your page. It’s placed just above your About section and becomes larger on your Videos tab - do use this to promote your most recent video or an upcoming event or sale.
If you have several videos, create a Playlist. In your video tab, so when fans navigate through your videos, you can put all your videos about a particular product, in one place.
Use the “Watch Video” Call-to-Action button. There are several options for the Call-to-Action button, including “Watch Video.” In other words, you don't have to send your audience to Buy Now or Call Now, only, now you can have them Watch Video. The Facebook Call-to-Action button allows you to draw attention to a video on your website from your Facebook cover image. This can be a significant traffic-driver for people who visit your page. So the cover photo should reflect what’s in the video behind the button. Think of the cover photo as the sizzle, and the Call-to-Action button as the steak.
Boost your video views with an Ad or a Boost. If your video is somehow inspiring or useful you’ll get some degree of natural shares. But a relatively small amount of ad budget will propel the video much further on Facebook. Watch to see which of your videos gets the most engagement or shares organically, and think about boosting the power of that natural appeal with a Facebook video ad. I typically wait to see if it is organically growing and then "Boost" it with an ad.
Finally, if you have a particularly compelling video on Facebook with nice comments and shares, go ahead and embed that in a blog post on your corporate website. Facebook videos have an Embed feature available just like YouTube. The videos can be directly embedded to play in blog posts on your own website, where users can see all of the comments and likes from the original Facebook post. To embed Facebook video, navigate to the full video post and click on the Date Stamp on the post. Then, you'll see the pop-up menu and the Embed feature.