When you are in the social-media marketing game - "When does it happen?" is a loaded question. What is "it?"
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So, back to the original question, "When does "it" happen?" It totally depends on if the industry is saturated, the competition, existing fan's loyalty, appropriate content, frequent-enough content - there are so many variables. And sometimes, it takes a while - sometimes it just blows up with all sorts of activity.
I have noticed that it does depends on a few key variables - existing fans activity and staff's activity - those two keys can REALLY help growth and activity. In other words post photos of your employees. Tell them that their cute photo is on Facebook. Get them to log in and Check In and Like and Share. Ask your customers for a Review. Ask them to participate in your social-media plan. Enroll them, somehow (perhaps an internal contest or a bonus system?). Your loyal employees can be your raving fan base that you need to get the conversation going.

So, how long does it take, when we are taking growth from Social Media? As long as it takes, with a little help from your friends