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Why is it so important that you realize WHO your client is?

Wendy Craighill

Posting on a blog or on Facebook or on Youtube needs consistency to work. In fact, social media might seem very overwhelming but take a deep breath and think about it this way:

Think of your dream customer. Where do they live? Do they shop online or via their cell phones/mobile devices? Are they in their mid-thirties or are they a teenager? Are they a business or a family or women?

Using Facebook Insights allows you to answer some of these questions based off of who views your posts, in real time! Use the Insights in Facebook to see Gender, Age, Country, Language, etc of your viewer. Looking at your Insights goes a long way into understanding what your customer is looking for and if you are providing them with these answers and engaging content with your current advertising and marketing message.

Finally, who is the customer that you want to serve? If you aren't reaching YOUR ideal customer but only people that cannot or won't pay for your services, let's give them different content! Ready to start advertising consistently, on Facebook? Visit the different packages page and sign up, today. If you still have questions, give me a call: 757-328-8884

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