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Panel Discussion about Marketing in the 21st Century, Norfolk, VA

Wendy Craighill

Any Norfolk, VA peeps? Please join me, at Hapax, on Mon., 6/20, at 3pm for “Marketing in the 21st Century.”

This will be a 3-panel discussion with myself, Bill Muir and Kristi Wilkerson.

Bill Muir is Director of Marketing for Vectec, will discuss why a website is critical for your business; Kristi Wilkerson, Digital Sales Exec, WAVY TV 10, will present a program called “Digital Marketing” that includes topics such as SEM and SEO and target marketing. And *ME* Wendy Lang Craighill, owner of SMSimplifier, will present a DIY "Social Media Program."

Please register for this FREE event, here:

About the Business Cafe: if you are thinking about opening, expanding or relocating your business? City representatives from Planning and Economic Development will be present to answer questions about zoning, permitting, and business licenses, and will inform you about existing programs and incentives. You can learn about the upcoming Renovate Norfolk program. Representatives from the Department of Neighborhood Development will be able to answer your questions regarding the new program, types of residential improvements, who’s eligible…

Monday, June 20, 2016 at 3pm at Hâpax, 536 W 35th Street, Norfolk, VA

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