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Bad Review?

Wendy Craighill

Bad Reviews should be treated as constructive criticism - SMSimplifier

Learn from your mistakes. LEARN. Don't defend. Don't ignore. Don't argue.

So many of my clients absolutely PANIC when they get a bad review (some reviews are actually true, many are just unmet expectations - but no matter where they come from, they shouldn't be ignored). Clients want me to take the page down. They want me to block the person. Um. They cannot. And they shouldn't. Let me tell you why.

People are talking about your business. I promise. All. The. Time.

The reviews or the Chit Chat will be Good or Bad - but it IS happening. It is best when your customers come to you to "fix" it. It is bad when you ignore it - in fact, Very Bad. It festers like an infection and is spread through other people that might feel lukewarm about your business.

Let me share this with you - it is AWESOME when you can fix a bad situation, while the pubic is watching - and even better when your customer changes and updates their review, while that public is watching because you listened, learned and changed something or fixed something. AWESOME.

We can all learn to take constructive criticism. Especially with Social Media. Especially AS a business. You will GROW because of the way that you handle your business dealings on Social Media. If you need help with this task, reach out to SMSimplifier - that is what we do - we "do" Social Media functions, like: Post, Ask for Reviews, Answer Reviews and chit chat with your fans. Social Media Simplifier serves small businesses in Williamsburg that cannot wear all the hats and wants to pass the Social Media hat to someone they trust - let's talk: 757-328-8884

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