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  • Wendy Craighill

Does your brand need video for Social Media Marketing?

Question: Is video now a "must-have" component in your social media marketing campaigns? How do you see video content evolving and what trends should brands be aware of? You know how I feel - you should "listen" to your audience, do a lot of testing and teasing and sampling and figure out what your prospects and fans are touched by. Then, do more of that. But, yes, video is one of those things that I sample and test. Here is what some of the big writers say about using video on Social Media marketing channels:

"There’s no denying the popularity of video. Almost every major social platform has added live video capabilities in recent months, with both brands and individuals quickly learning that it’s a great way to engage with customers and followers. Multiple studies also suggest that social media posts that contain videos perform better than those without. However, I caution brands to make sure that they are measuring the most important metrics to their business and not just social media “vanity” metrics. And while video is indeed considered a “must have” component, it is still just a piece of a greater marketing strategy."

- Dan Gingiss, Co-Host of the Focus on Customer Service Podcast

"Not necessarily a must have, but this will depend on how your audience consumes content and engages with each social media channel. For example video content on Facebook is more likely to be seen as a result of Facebook's newsfeed algorithm giving more impressions to videos. But on Instagram, videos don't generate as many likes as photos do. Answer. Know your audience."

- Chris Kyriacou, Managing Director, iSocial UK

"I am dabbling more in video, bit by bit, and typically in short (45 seconds to 2 minutes tops) snippets for YouTube. But I find now more than ever, there is actually greater value for brands in podcasts. It’s a simple medium, built around conversation and storytelling, and it is one of the very few forms of content that we do not try to condense to a shortened time span. Podcasts can stretch up to over an hour per episode in a series and we’ll still tune in and listen. Why? When the content is compelling and authentic, it compels us, the listener, to share the podcast’s narrative with our friends and social followings and start a discussion based around that episode."

- Deborah Sweeney, CEO, MyCorporation

"I wouldn’t call it a “must have.” We rarely use video at Relevance and we seem to do just fine. Can it be a successful form of content? Can it be a competitive advantage in marketing? Can it build engaging communities? Absolutely.

Look no further than Wistia. This company does an amazing job using video as the core of its content marketing strategy. They’re not the only one, but it doesn’t get much better.

It is true that video usually commands higher engagement rates on platforms like Facebook. As a matter of fact, one of its VPs in Europe, Nicola Mendelsohn, predicted that Facebook would probably be all video in five years.

That said, the future of brand marketing on Facebook might not be the video format most would expect. Live videos receive 10 times the engagement as pre-recorded ones.

Is live video on Facebook a “must have?” If Facebook is a major channel for your brand than you’ll need to start asking yourself this question."

- Chad Pollitt, VP of Audience, Relevance

"Yes, video is a must have component. That’s driven our website redesign. We’re simplifying our site, and will rely more on content to delivery our message and get people to landing pages. That’s what we recommend for clients. Consumption has changed, and video is a great and compelling way capture interest in the moment. In terms of trends, I think you’re going to see all kinds of things from “Tasty” style videos to interview videos, and may more of these simple videos like this: I think you’re going to see a lot of different types of video. Anything to engage."

- Bob Carver, Principal Consultant, Carver Technology Consulting LLC

"No, video—or any media form—is not a must-have. Your media choices should be made based on (1) the preferences of your audience and (2) your ability to produce great content that resonates with the audience. That said, for an enormous variety of company types and markets, your research is likely to reveal video has enormous potential. If that turns out to be the case, it is indeed an area in which to focus resources. As far as I can see, what's evolving about video is its standards. They're going down, which has been true ever since YouTube began rocking the web. This doesn't mean you should strive to create crappy video. It means low production standards won't be held against you. You can produce and publish highly effective video with a smartphone. If the audio quality is acceptable and the content is useful, you're likely to discover video content connects with a good portion of your audience. Of course, you'll never know if you don't try it. "

- Barry Feldman, Director at Feldman Creative

"It's hard to say anything is a "must-have", but if there ever was one, video is it right now. Of course, you can't just "do video", you have to approach it with a strategic plan, a purpose - producing poor quality content is not going to help in any form. That's why many brands fail at new platforms, because they jump on, do what they can in order to reach that platform's audience, and never really invest the requisite time and effort into understanding the pros and cons of how that new eco-system works. If you're just creating video for the sake of it, it's not likely to be hugely beneficial. If you're not able to produce compelling video content, you may be better off sticking with what works best for your brand, and what you can do.

As noted by Mark Zuckerberg recently, video represents the best available way for people to share their perspective - we started with text, then moved on to images, and now it's video. It then follows that the next iteration will be 360 video, then VR. In that sense, video is not likely to be fading in popularity any time soon, so it's definitely worth investing the time to learn what works and how you might be able to use it.

If you just want someone to DO IT for you, please let's talk. That is what we, at SMSimplifier, do: we take the ball and run with it - you tell us who you are and who you are after and what makes you different and then we start "playing" and "listening." 757-328-8884 or Contact Us

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