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The first thing I focus on in Social Media...

Wendy Craighill

When I develop a Social Media plan with a client, it always boils down to 3 things:

1) First - who is their very favorite customer - obviously the one that spend money, but there must be a favorite. Mine is the small, local business that is owned by husband and wife and they have no life because they dedicate all waking hours to the business. What is yours?

2) Second - how do they most like to make money - I can do many things, most of them well, some of them very well. BUT, there are some things that I just HATE to do - I don't want to do more of them, I want to do more of what I LOVE to do. Again, obviously, you want to be successful and make money, but wouldn't you rather do it doing something you love rather than the drudgery of what you hate to do, if your business was viable?

3) Third - get quality and consistently posted reviews. These reviews can literally turn a business around and pull them out of the ditch. In fact, Social Media Today says that a quality review can increase reach by 42% WHAT? That is amazing - now I am even more focused on reviews.

Let's make a plan for your small business. Social Media Simplifier would like to create a simple plan to reach more, directly reach your perfect prospect. Let's talk 757-328-8884

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