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What should your social media plan look like?

Wendy Craighill

Start with Facebook - this is where i start because MOST of your prospects are already there and you probably are, too. Create a business page and fill in every blank in the About Us and Description. Make a simple plan that you can follow without too much heartburn.

Make life easier for yourself by keeping things as simple as you can. Post daily at all different times of the day. Use photos. Always leave a website or a phone number. Now, you've started. Good job!

Next step - create brand awareness by avoiding promotional messages and instead focus on meaningful content and strong brand personality. Alert your customers what is going on (a sale, a discount, a coupon or a contest).

Now, take stock - do your followers react and respond to posts or do you have to prompt them? By the way -- that take a marketing company about 90 days - getting to that point takes time and effort (by creating a positive brand on social and in your reviews).

Now, let's start promoting you. Define your EXACT perfect customer and then talk to them, sell to them – using specific keywords, phrases and hashtags. This efficient form of reaching your core audience will expand your client base MUCH faster than saying "man or woman, any age, anyone in the world."

Are you needing some inspiration? Take a GOOD look at what your competition is doing. Once. Twice. Monthly. Pay attention – not to copy, but for inspiration. It will help you improve your efforts and our outcomes. And in some way learn from what to do and what not to do.

Now, figure out who is on your social channel. Figure out who your core demographic is, what their income is, what their education is and then how you are going to make the most money and the most enjoyable money – and focus on that in your posts, blogs and keyword usage.

Focus, now, on increasing reach. What is "REACH?" It means views, likes, engagement, SHARES. Certainly you can pay for reach, but when should you pay? When there is already engagement and actual value in the post (a special, an address, a promotion).

Have an algorithm for different types of posts (shares, funny, reviews, coupon/special, education, what sets you apart, heart touching). And consider videos or blogs. Is there any room for videos in your business? Yes.

Finally, how do you do know if you have done a good job? How do you gain more website clicks or link clicks? How do you analyze your marketing “success?” Check where you are THIS year compared to LAST year. Ask your clients how they found you. Good luck. Need help? click Contact Us and let's talk.

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