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What a tough month January was on this family!

Wendy Craighill

First, thank you for all your condolences; we weren't expecting to lose my husband's mom - it came out of the blue. When the elderly fall, many times they just cannot manage the surgery or recovery - we would have never expected her to be part of those statistics. She was very strong.

Second of all, a homeschooling mama is always teaching - even if it is about how to keep your head above water when the world is crashing around you -- so school continued, a bit abbreviated.

Third of all, my work load has never been heavier. I am struggling with my workload but I am not actually making more money - how did this happen? Not quite sure. 1) I didn't charge what I was worth. 2) I let go of paying clients rather than get a little help to get me through the rough stage (that is a hard part of freelancing - sometimes you just have to say "uncle" to preserve yourself) 3) The family is getting in the way of the work getting done. The Family always knows when attention is waning - and they whine. LOUDER when I give it pushback. It is what it is and the season is almost over.

Bottom line - I have been keeping up, for the most part - and I am grateful this season is almost over. I am looking forward to March. 2018 came in like a Lion. Looking forward to a little lamb.

Psalm 55:22 Encouragement for the freelancer

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