I truly love finding things to be grateful in an ungrateful world. It makes me happy making others look at things differently, too. I love telling stories and weaving marketing into those stories. Because of that, I truly LOVE what I do.
SMSimplifier affords my family groceries and vacations and pizza and even FABULOUS birthday parties -- so I am grateful for my clients. I am grateful for my children who help me work so hard by staying out of my office, each afternoon. I am grateful for my cheerleader husband who says Each and Every night - "coming to bed?" as I say "not, yet," and he comes into my office to pray, there, with me, our good-night prayer.
We have a busy life, but a great life -- and for this, SMSimplifier, I am grateful. Thank you for allowing me to do this, from home, with my children. Thank you for allowing me to write and weave and craft. And to you, out there in cyberspace? Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, from us!