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Free Medical Practice Analysis (MZ Revenue will care for your practice while you care for the patien

Wendy Craighill

MZ Revenue Solutions is looking for a few test subjects. Just kidding (sort of). Maura "Mz Revenue" Zimmerman of MZ Revenue Solutions is based in Virginia but she serves clients all over the United States. She specializes in Podiatrists and Optometrists, but can serve any private practice.

She is always offering medical offices a free practice analysis so that she doesn't waste anyone's time. If she cannot help them, she finds that out pretty quickly. Her background is medical billing and insurance and she has been in the industry for over 20 years and she really knows, quickly, how to answer my questions. Recently, she met with a clinical phycologist friend of mine, to see if she could help and I tagged along. I enjoy representing Maura, very much, on SMSimplifier.

Whatever product is chosen, it is all secure and available on the internet - no software to download and no costly servers. Want more good news? Each Practice can see into the process. They have their own login, providing confidence and control, that accounts are being handled correctly and securely. They have access to all accounts and any reports, at any time. Staff won’t be stuck in endless loopholes and paperwork. And they'll still have the confidence in MZ Revenue's processes. Outsourcing with MZ Revenue Solutions, ultimately, results in what’s truly important: spending quality time with patients.

If you are ready to start talking to MZ Revenue Solutions, please click here and fill out their Contact Us form for a FREE Practice Analysis. Maura "Mz. Revenue" Zimmerman will contact you, promptly, to set up an in-person meeting to show you how she can help.

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