Creating a social-media editorial calendar shouldn't be a tedious, tiresome task. But, it can overwhelm if you have never done it, before - Social Media Simplifier has done it countless times, for dozens of clients - see if this helps:
First - let's see if you are "talking" to your actual target customer. Even if you sell outside of your target - you should have a target. It becomes easier to write, post and converse if you know who you WANT to attract and what voice to use. For instance, you would like to attract a 28-35 year old single athlete.
Second - create a plan. Expect it to change but set a plan in place. For example, you are going to set up two social-media networks and share twice a week - once with an event/request and once with a motivational graphic. Once a week, you'll share someone else's content (a blog or article, outside of Facebook). You'll share at least one new photo a month. You'll introduce yourself or your mission or your product once a month. When you SHARE someone else's stuff, you'll put a few words in the Share that says why you shared it and why it is relevant to your audience.
If you get ANY comment on the site, LIKE it, answer it or ask a question.
If you get a REVIEW, discuss and thank.
If you follow these steps, you can easily formulate a successful social media plan, which, ideally, will help put you ahead of your competitors. Have you put together a social-media marketing plan for your business?
Are you finding it difficult to formulate a social-media marketing plan? Let SMSimplifier help. We've been doing this for a while and make it look easy. 757-328-8884