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The WHAT Bus? the FUN Bus!

Wendy Craighill

Perhaps because of all the success that Fun Bus of Hampton Roads has had, I got the chance to tell the story of another franchise owner. Next thing I knew, SMSimplifier starts working with a new franchise owner in South Short Massachusetts: Joe Texeira and his lovely wife Sara. This couple has done a wonderful job, this year, in setting themselves apart as a fitness enrichment course for preschools of Massachusetts, but also inside of the FUN Bus franchise, itself. They have a photographer that records birthday parties with several photos for the parents. That photographer is none other than Joe, himself. He, also, takes great pride in preparing the bus for each event, individually - going above and beyond the expectations of the parents booking the party. I am so grateful that SMSimplifier gets to represent this fabulous company and tell their story. Fun Bus South Shore Mass is so FUN!

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