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How to get your first 100 customers

Wendy Craighill

Are you still struggling in your new start-up company? How to get those first few customers is KEY, if you are still in the early stages of starting your business. Here are your steps.

  • Research your competitors – this is where I start. They’ve already invented the wheel. They are a virtual wealth of information - especially if they are successful and have been at it a while – I’ll have a much shorter learning curve if I use their nuggets. Research the social media, the photo and video posts that work to engage and watch how they handle reviews and negative comments.

  • Use your present connections – start by calling them and explaining, briefly why you’re calling. Ask them to coffee and be pleasantly surprised how many people are willing to help. Ask your spouse and other business partners to do the same. It is critical to get people associating you with the new business and spreading the word, WITH you.

  • Blog – so many clients worry about getting EVERY little thing perfect before they say they are “open,” that they limp along for a very long time making sure their website is perfect or their photography is spot on. Don't worry about your website content as much as your blog. That is where SEO is going to be built and you can, right from the start show yourself as a subject-matter expert. Consider becoming a guest blogger or a contributor on reputable publications as this will help you build your reputation.

  • Hit the meetups and incubators and send emails to prospects - before emailing, do your research and how your product or service could help. This way, the email is more personal and doesn't look like spam. Events where small business owners meet is a great way to expand your network, especially if you are selling business-to-business. It is also great practice at meetups to pitch and practice.

Now that you HAVE your first customers, make sure that you make them your advocates. Ask for reviews. Ask them to share your social-media page. When someone starts sharing like crazy, make sure you acknowledge that, too.

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