If you don't hire a copy writer or a Done-For-You marketing company, like Social Media Simplifier, write smart! Where to start? Try these do-it-yourself tips:
Consider your tone of voice, which should be a reflection of your business’s personality. The more authentic you are, the more effective your posts are likely to be. Then, be yourself and be consistent.
Facebook users scroll quickly, so lead with your most important message. Get the good stuff in before the fold (about 3 lines: Visit our store, Call for a free quote, Check out our website, Contest, Save The Date, etc.
Consider appealing to customers, emotionally. Put yourself in their shoes and ask, “What would make me like this business? Why would it appeal to me?”
After you have crafted your message, read it back - if your copy is too long, make it shorter
After you have crafted your message, read it back - if it’s all about you as a business, make it about your customer
After you have crafted your message, read it back - if it’s generic, customize it to speak to your different audiences
Be overt. Don’t make people have to work to figure out what you do. Look at some of your ads and ask yourself, “If I’d never heard of this businesses before, would I understand what they do?” If you’re a florist in Williamsburg, , don’t write 'Brides love us’ and place it next to a picture of flowers. Instead, say something like, “We deliver locally grown flower bouquets anywhere in San Francisco…within 3 hours!”

If this all sounds like TOO MUCH TIME and you have to deliver flowers, today :-) give SMSimplifier of Williamsburg a call! 757-328-8884