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How to grow your Social Media Presence, on Twitter

Wendy Craighill

Most of my clients use Twitter as a Social Media Channel, for thier business. Most of them aren't sure how to help Get – and Keep – valuable Twitter followers. Here is the short list:

  1. Complete your bio – it makes it easier for people looking for your product or service to find you – use keywords related to your niche or perfect customer

  2. Include a professional profile picture - people will rarely follow that default “egghead” that Twitter gives you when you first sign up

  3. Use your real name as your username if it is available – this is worth a try or add _The_ or TheReal or something similar in front

  4. Make it easy for people to follow and tweet you – make sure that the “Tweet This” and “Follow Me on Twitter” buttons on your website is easy to find

  5. Create content people want to share - be funny, poignant, or otherwise unique and keep Tweets short to make them retweetable

  6. Do not overuse hashtags or @usernames - it makes your Tweets much less enjoyable to read. Use no more than two (2) hashtags per Tweet, and don’t append a long list of usernames to a single Tweet

  7. Use good manners – respond to @mentions – respond to people who have Tweeted about you or to you

  8. Do not use too many abbreviations - “Hi, how R U 2day?” Find a way to be concise and use complete words

  9. Share others’ content – if you want to be shared

  10. When you Retweet - include a brief comment why so that your followers know why you think it is worth sharing

  11. Do not over promote yourself or an upcoming event – use the 80-20 (or 90-10) rule

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