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Looking for a trustworthy mechanic?

Wendy Craighill

Finding a great automotive service and repair shop is a New Year's Resolution that I can sink my teeth into. I hate, as a woman, especially one who knows enough about engines to get myself in trouble, needing car work.

You know the scenario, right? The shop sees you coming and has you look "under the hood" with them while they point to things that MUST be done -- or else! Or they say to "leave it; we're a little backed up." 24-hours later I go to pick my car up and am handed a bill twice what we agreed upon, with little explaination - feeling taken advantage of. I leave with an unsettling feeling that I had more work done than necessary and a little less confident in the world...

This year, I looked at reviews. I read what others had to say. I drove by and peeked in windows. I talked to friend that I saw wrote a review. In 2016, that is the way we find service providers - it is the way we find auto repair shops. Word of mouth and reviews - a girl's best friend.

If you live in Richmond - RUN, don't walk to Cutshaw Automotive - great reviews, great waiting area, a loaner car, WiFi and they deal with MOSTLY women. So, they treat us right. Find them at the corner of Cutshaw and Belmont, in Scott's Addition (near the Museum District and the Boulevard).

Everything "Car" - we service from A-Z, and everything in between (Air Conditioning, Belts, Exhaust, Shocks, Tune up, Timing, Spark Plugs and Water Pumps)


3105 Cutshaw Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23230



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