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Gus's Hot Dogs - loyal fans for over 40 years

Wendy Craighill

Sometimes it startles me to see the engagement on a client's page. But, when a fanbase is LOYAL - every post is viral. Seriously! When it come to Family-Friendly Hot Dog Joints - Gus's Hot Dog King is everyone's sweetheart.

The staff is loyal, too. Angie, of Simply Sweets By Angie, is a long-time waitress and also provides those fabulous chocolate chip cookies and filled cupcakes! Other waitresses worked at one of the other two locations and moved to Jefferson Avenue - the original location as they shut down.

But, mostly the loyalty comes from the families and individuals that eat there, week after week - some since they opened. More often than not - it is second (or third) generation eating at Gus's! Military, grandparents, kids, couples, singles at the bar, delivery drivers, mailmen, and grocery clerks - everyone loves Gus's.

If you haven't tried this little gem, in Newport News, you don't know what you are missing. Great, simple food served by fabulously loyal employees. Their daily specials are listed on Facebook, so follow them!

Gus's Hot Dog King

10725 Jefferson Ave

Newport News, Virginia

(757) 595-1630

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