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SCORE's Implementing Social Media Workshop - FUN!

Wendy Craighill

In business, today, the first impression I often make with would-be clients is online, to include connecting with people that I have met face-to-face as just Wendy. But, today, I connected in person - as a teacher & coach, as SMSimplifier.

I LOVE presenting - I have always loved teaching and inspiring my audience and students. Today, I had the pleasure of presenting for SCORE at the Chamber and Tourism Alliance and teaching to a full class of people in the implimentation stage of their small-business, in Williamsburg.

SCORE workshop in Williamsburg

There were several interesting phenominoms; here are two:

  • One - I am always challenged to cut back on my amount of information I give as I want the students to walk away thinking that they can impliment, right away. But, today, I got many questions about additional platforms and mediums. I love research and charting new territory! So, that was fun.

  • Two - there were FOUR businesses present that I had talked to in the past. Happy Coincidence? Or perhaps they wanted to meet me and see me face-to-face before hiring me? Either way - it reminded me that Williamsburg is a small world.

Today, I hope I was able to educate and inspire. Today, I had a great time. I truly love getting in front of other small businesses - like me, they are searching for ways to improve, grow and be heard & understood.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing." Pele

SCORE Implementing Social Media workshop

Today, I loved what I was doing!

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