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Putting For Patriots at Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf

Wendy Craighill

Putting for Patriots is an annual fund raising event conducted by Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf course. They proudly support three pre-screened charities that efficiently serve our wounded, their families and the survivors of fallen military members, each year. This project has raised over $231,000!

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The annual event takes place each Memorial Day weekend. Each year, the mini-golf course donates a % of total sales on the Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Weekend and accepts customer donations, which are turned over to the charities.

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The benefitting charities:

  • TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – which cares for families of the fallen)

  • Homes for our Troops (provides specially adapted homes for our severely wounded service members)

  • Hope for the Warriors (provides enhancement to the quality of life for service members that have been adversely effected in the line of duty)

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