I am thrilled to be able to write this post. Seriously! I started this freelance business because I noticed that small businesses let things slip through the cracks, totally accidentally. My clients are overwhelmed with running their business and doing their own marketing. That is where SMSimplifier comes in. We take that off their plate. Social Media Simplifier prides ourselves on being Done-For-You Social Media - meaning the owner is free to grow their business while we do their research, the creative and engage their clients. Relationship and Referrals is they way that good businesses grow. The business works on their product or service and SMSimplifier makes sure that people talk about them. The same concept for my discussion, today. As a mom of young children, I am often overwhelmed with running a business, picking up after two Tasmanian devils and cooking 2-3 times a day. I need time to grow MY business and spend quality time with my children. Up to the plate steps: Squeaky Clean VA
Squeaky Clean Virginia is a start up cleaning business, on the Virginia Peninsula. They service Gloucester, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg and Yorktown. They've only been in business for about 2 1/2 months. And they are SMSimplifier's greatest success story. Between their crisp-clean website and active and engaging Facebook business page not to mention their Kick-Butt referrals, they are growing by leaps and bounds. They have become MY cleaning service. I, as an entrepreneur and mom of 2 young children, cannot tell you how amazing it is to have someone clean my baseboards and doors (and toilets and floors and high-chairs!) AND stack 100's of books, again, each week. We are readers. We have books in every single room. They are stacked and on the floor and in the beds and on windowsills. It is really out of control, actually. But....this Mama Bear loves it - I am growing up readers and I love that my children love books so very much. They pick out their own books at the library and I stopped fighting them about it being too mature or too adult and the like - because if they pick it out - they'll let me read it.

Meanwhile, back to the plethora of books in my tiny home - OUT OF CONTROL. And each time Squeaky Clean VA comes to see us, the house looks amazing, again, and the books are all stacked neatly and the spines are all turned around right and we can start over....again.
What a great service this is to a family. Seriously. Home cleaners clean the toilets and floors. They dust and clean mirrors. Squeaky Clean VA picks up as they clean. They make my beds. They wipe fingerprints off of walls. They clean my refrigerator handle and they stack my books. God Bless Squeaky Clean VA!