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Bounce House has a Better-Than-Groupon Coupon for Spring Break!

Wendy Craighill

Groupon is just a great advertising engine for brand-new businesses, but for businesses with established clientele, I always steer them away. Why? Because Groupon makes the business discount the price by 51% and then keeps HALF. Because regular customers buy Groupons and kill the business - it literally happens all the time. A struggling business sells a bunch of Groupons to get some quick cash and then all the regulars use the Groupons - bye bye profit. If we want our local businesses to thrive, we need to shop smartly but still take care of our own. Do this by buying directly from the source, the business, itself. All the profit goes to the business and you get a great discount. Spring Break Coupon is such a discount.

Bounce House (all four locations: Newport News, Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach) is selling a Spring Break Discount for only $15 - and it includes 4 passes with snacks and drinks! What an amazing bargain. This coupon can be used at any of the locations and can be used all the way through June 20, 2015. Click on the image, below, to purchase!

spring break deal.png

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