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Hello Fresh Coupon Code - delivered fresh for you to cook FRESH

Wendy Craighill

I have discovered a new service that is worth writing about. I am love, love, loving HelloFresh!

hello fresh box.png

We eat more FRESH veggies

Each week, I get a box with 3 separate bags filled with fresh herbs, uncut and very fresh, organic and local veggies.

Everything is included

Also included are any spices, canned goods (like beans), rice, vegetable stock, soy sauce, or sour cream. The only thing I have ever had to add to any meal is butter, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Smaller meat - more veggies

One thing that I really like about the service, as strange as this sounds, is the reasonable portions for meat. Last night I made a pasta dish that used a little over 1/2 pound of hamburger and it will feed us, again, today. That has not ever been my MO - I usually get a full pound for a meal.

Shop from the perimeter of the grocery store

This is a great theory, but with small, fussy kids and a full-time business, that really isn't the way that it happens. I figure out what is thawed (or can be cooked frozen) and doctor it up a bit. If I do get a wild hair and go shopping, I spend $35 on ingredients. This comes to me, already chosen out and cleaned and ready to cook. Fresh! And much more reasonable that one would think. Under $60!

I now experiment

Because I am not a cook (until now, ha!), I certainly never tried new things - and never cooked a steak in my life! I am trying new recipes and new ways of cooking, every week. Not scary - just different. For instance boiling chicken and then shredding, or roasting veggies with different seasonings (love the roasting recipes - love love love!), or shredding Brussel spouts and flash frying them - YUM!

Seasoned well

Very rarely have I ever had to add salt, to the meal after it was cooked. NOTE: I have never added salt while cooking, trying to be healthy - but this results in less flavor. Who knew? All meals seem to be seasoned strongly - which is the way that we like to eat.

A gourmet cook!

I never learned to cook, except for a couple simple dishes - and they are mostly comfort foods - not fresh, not healthy, and nothing to write home about. Now, I frequently post my food on the computer I am so proud of what I am creating. It is making me more experimental with my cooking, on my own. And I am learning (slowly) how to get everything to be ready at the same time - THIS is an art that I am miserable at. But...I am not an old dog, damnit! I CAN and WILL learn new tricks.

Hello Fresh Coupon Code MSVZHV

Order a week of Hello Fresh for half price - on ME! Here is your code:


Enjoy - and feel free to tell me what YOU think of HelloFresh, in the comments.

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