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Your 2015 Business Plan – Stop Dabbling, Delaying, & Dilly-Dallying!

Wendy Craighill

You KNOW it is time to move your marketing plan forward for your business. BUT, something is always holding you back: a slow season, a health issue, family problems, or a vacation coming up. The problem with this kind of limiting thinking is that your business may NEVER reach its potential. How do you move forward to make your business and 2015 the best year ever? Our opinion is to create a NEW Social Media habit!

Start your new habit the SAME way for the first 10 days.

We cannot sustain motivation through willpower, alone, as much as we WANT to or reward ourselves. So, if you want 2015 to be your biggest and best year, yet, you are not going to will it into existence. If you keep doing the SAME thing but really WANT something else, you are going to get the same result. So, if rewards and desire are not enough, what IS the secret to change? It is super simple, really, and it does take some willpower. It is called The New Habit!

  • Do the new thing or the new procedure, in the same way, for a minimum of 31 days. (some say 10 days, some say that 21 is the magic number – I am going to round it up to make SURE it is a habit). Do this NEW procedure for a full 31 days – a full month!

  • You need to make the habit have the least resistance. (Example: get rid of all the junk food in the house and have ONLY fresh fruit and high quality snacks in the house).

  • Have a HUGE amount of energy when you first begin the new habit (the first 10 days of the habit). This is the time when the OLD habits are trying really hard to pull you back into the comfort zone of the way that it has always been. Be rested. Be excited. Reward yourself, often.

  • Start the SAME way every day. Don’t deviate from the start procedure. You end up getting into a groove that puts you on automatic pilot fairly quickly.

  • START NOW. Don’t delay, anymore. Because January has only just started, the more productive you become, NOW, the more empowered you are to manifest the best year of your life!

Example: Social Media Habit 2015

  • Grab your bottle of cold water and put it on your desk.

  • Turn on the same song.

  • Sit down at your computer (don’t open your email or your personal profiles in Facebook).

  • Look at your list that you have created (highest priority tasks, first), put a pen next to it.

  • Log into Pinterest and Repin two Pins. Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • Log into Constant Contact. View results of last campaign. Write and schedule next newsletter. Copy text of newsletter placing on clipboard. Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • Log into blog. Paste text from clipboard. Add photos, tags, and appropriate categories. Check SEO. Spell check. Schedule. Reply to any comments of older blogs. Delete any spam. Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • Share blog with Google +

  • Share blog with LinkedIn

  • Log into Facebook. Like any comments, posts to page, or reviews. Answer all of your business page’s messages, and schedule 2 posts (NOTE: Do not go into personal profile). Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • Log into Twitter. Retweet 2 tweets. Thank any new Followers. Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • Log into TripAdvisor. Answer reviews. Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • Log into Yelp. Answer reviews. Take a sip of water and check off task.

  • CONGRATULATE yourself – you are on your way to your BEST year ever!

If this list is too much for you to handle, start small and just do ONE Social Media channel. If you need help and want to outsource, we hope you’ll consider SMSimplifier!

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