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Business Bootcamp 2015

Wendy Craighill

Let's start TODAY with two new habits that will make our next year, the BEST year ever.

Boot Camp

These habit will increase our productivity, make us healthier, and do the money-making things first - they will teach us to not let our inbox or people needing something from us derail our day, before it has even begun... leading us down a wild goose chase. Starting TODAY, with the change of how we start our day, will create our best year EVER......are you ready?

  • When you set your feet on the floor, create a ritual and routine to get yourself strong & healthy. Take 60-90 minutes and exercise, eat a healthy breakfast and pray, meditate, and state your affirmations - these things insure that you are doing what you need to do to FIRST to have a healthy mind.....

DON'T check email or voicemail early in the day. Wait.

  • Then, take the next hour (or two, if you are able) to do the highest value tasks. Read an article, take a course, get certified, write a proposal, finish the big project so you can get paid, and take time to smartly market yourself and your business. Educating yourself and marketing yourself are true investments in yourself and the business. And they should be your priorities, every day. Unfortunately, they fall to the bottom of the priority pile because of more "urgent" and less important tasks. When you fall behind in the learning curve and you stop marketing.... your business falls off.

So, to make 2015 the best year ever - you need to devote the first three hours of every day in your mind's and body's and business's health.

Can you commit to that? How long does it take to create a habit? Let's give it the full first quarter. Check in with me at the end of March and let me know how your business is doing, okay?

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