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Welcome Sommer Chavez to the Social Media Simplifier family!

Wendy Craighill

Social Media Simplifier is now a team!

SMSimplifier is done-for-you marketing services, created by one stay-at-home mom (Wendy Wenck Craighill), for the entrepreneur that just doesn’t have time to manage profiles, daily updates, or sending out newsletters. Three years later, it has over 20 clients and just took on a partner! Sommer Chavez!

Sommer Chavez, mom of two and visual genius, adds another dimension to the services offered, at SMSimplifier. Not only will SMSimplifier manage your Twitter and Facebook updates, write and publish blogs, articles, and newsletters, we will now offer website development and graphic’s creation for the social-media world. Only enhanced, nothing has changed: SMSimplifier will continue to touch the heart with stories and photos.

Sommer’s professional career began managing her family business. There she realized the benefits of social-media and internet marketing, long before Facebook was even around. Sommer has worked in emergency services, as a Medic, then Marketing Manager for a large non-emergency transport company. She shifted to social media management of multiple small businesses and accounts, in 2014. She’s developed graphic-design skills through independent study and creative exploration. She specializes in creating visually enticing graphics which promote viral sharing. Sommer lives in Yorktown, VA, with her two little boys and husband, a local Firefighter / Medic and service member of the Army National Guard.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Internet marketing, public relations, customer service, advertising, and sales, in a human, personal way, encouraging interactive conversation with customers & prospects. We help create an online, two-way presence by promoting premium content and humanizing the delivery (meaning the content will interest customers enough to discuss and review, repost, share and increase unique traffic to website, therefore converting anonymous traffic into your customers). We firmly believe that social-media marketing is not advertising – we believe in developing a relationship with your customers! Advertising is advertising. Social-Media marketing is bonding with your customers and prospects so that they want to spend money with you rather than with another organization. That is what we do. Call us, today: (757) 328-8884

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